I was born and raised in the beautiful hills of Eastern Oklahoma near an absolute disaster of a town that the residents either love, hate or love to hate. Crime and drug ridden, I couldn't wait to leave; and did, as soon as I could legally leave the state - one month after my 18th birthday. I lived in various places around the Denton, TX area until I moved to Lakewood, Colorado in 2017. After finally digging my mental state out of an abusive marriage, I came home in 2019. Texas is home for my heart and I hope I never have to leave it.
By the grace of God and after clawing against the walls of the deep, dark economic hole that the generations before us dug, we are starting to see the light. My second husband (Jacob) and I have good jobs that give us enough wiggle room to be able to start pouring into a real estate investment. We have been blessed with an opportunity to develop 10 acres overlooking a wildlife reserve in North Central Texas.
When we first started looking to get out onto some land, we had a few goals in mind:
Become reasonably self sufficient - let's be real, I still like my high speed internet and a 20 minute or less drive to Winco.
Lower our tax burden with an agricultural exemption - still trying to decide what farm animals will be the least amount of pain in our asses. I love animals, but again, let's be real. We both work in the city and I'm not trying to go chase a horse down the nearest main road at 11am on a Monday while trying to maintain enough cell service to still do my job. No, thanks.
Enough space from other people so Jacob would stop pissing off the neighbors with his insane grasps at country living while we were living in a cookie cutter house 10 feet from the neighbors.
A nice enough area to be able to leave doors unlocked for short periods of time without having to be constantly worried about protecting our property.
Some kind of liveable building with running water and electric. We couldn't afford a land payment and a mortgage simultaneously, so moving immediately was the only option. I told Jacob I'd be willing to live in a barn as long as I could cook, do laundry and sleep. I have to be able to function on some semblance of a normal level to be able to stay focused at my job. I had the opportunity of a lifetime this year to become the assistant director of nursing at a new home health company, and I didn't want to be so buried in our crazy, chaotic life that I couldn't stay somewhat organized and on track with my professional goals - thus, my idea for an 'organized chaos' blog started to bloom.
I think we've found the perfect property that meets our needs without overextending our monthly budget... hopefully. Everyone vote carefully this year, my future house on 10 acres depends on Americans not voting in another dementia patient that will continue to tank the economy! LOL!
So, dive into this adventure with me: Jacob's DIY projects, cooking great food in a small kitchen, successes and mistakes with homesteading, and (my personal favorite) attempting to keep our chaos organized!